Even with careful brushing and daily oral care, teeth can become stained and hard dental plaque can build up over time.
At Ash Lane Dental Suite, regular dental hygienist appointments can reduce the risk of tooth decay, cavities and gum disease, leaving you with a bright and healthy smile.
Professional hygiene cleaning at the practice removes light staining, plaque and tartar build- up as well as bacteria that can accumulate in hard to reach areas.
Airflow® Tooth Polishing
Airflow® tooth polishing is a modern non-contact cleaning procedure that can be used alongside the traditional scale and polish.
A high-pressure jet of air, water and flavoured powder creates a light abrasive cleaning action that leaves your teeth feeling smoother and looking brighter.
Here to help you cut down or stop smoking
Reducing or completely eliminating consumption of tobacco can give significant health benefits – including to the oral health, even if you’ve smoked for a long time.
Our friendly and understanding team are on hand to help signpost you to the appropriate solutions for nicotine dependence.
How to Brush
How often should I make a dental hygienist appointment?
At Ash Lane Dental Suite, we recommend coming in for a dental check-up and hygiene cleaning every six to nine months or at least once a year.
Combining optimal oral hygiene at home with practice-based dental care is the most effective way to protect your teeth and optimise oral health.
How can I reduce the risks of dental problems?
In addition to regular visits to the practice, your dentist can advise you on the most effective way to look after your teeth with an optimal home oral-health routine.
Healthy lifestyle choices can also reduce gum disease and tooth decay and improve the appearance of your teeth.
Our team of dental healthcare professionals can help you with individual advice on: